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Copernicus presents the European State of the Climate at EU Parliament

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), both implemented by the European Centre of Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), are presenting the European State of the Climate summary, an overview of climate indicators in 2017, at the European Parliament.

European State of the Climate - Logo 
Quelle: Copernicus Quelle: Copernicus

Four years after its launch, the European flagship Earth observation programme Copernicus is delivering an unprecedented amount of environmental data in support of public policy and of the development of a successful and sustainable knowledge-based economy. With CAMS already fully operational and C3S reaching the end of its pre-operational phase, the European State of the Climate event is now presented to the European Parliament and interested parties.

The Copernicus services implemented by ECMWF routinely monitor data on a global scale. Satellite and in-situ data acquired by Copernicus is fed into state-of-the-art computer models to provide updated maps, graphs, forecasts and many other materials. From this information, ECMWF has now compiled the ‘European State of the Climate Summary – 2017’, a set of relevant indicators drawn from its services that provide an overview of the year 2017 in the context of a changing climate.

For instance, in 2017, Europe has seen average temperatures that were 0.8 degrees Celsius higher than the average over the 1981-2010 period. Notably, the southwest region of Europe experienced extreme droughts, with very low precipitation and soil moisture levels across the region. In the European sector of the Arctic a reduction in winter sea ice area by 600,000 square kilometres was recorded and a substantial ice thickness loss has been observed in glaciers around the globe since the 1960s. The Summary depicts the long-term evolution of several key climate variables that can be used to assess global and regional trends.

Earth observation data are key to understanding the state of our planet. The Copernicus services provide free, reliable and up-to-date environmental information and a number of practical applications based on the data. At the event, examples have been shown about the growing market of smartphone applications providing information about air quality or the emerging businesses delivering ‘climate services’ such as those using longer-term climate predictions to assess future river flows and renewable energy indicators.The Copernicus services thus provide policy makers, industry and the public with the necessary environmental information to work together on a more sustainable future.

Read this and more at the Copernicus website

View the European State of the Climate at the Copernicus website


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